Sean Nicholas O'Leary

Team and leadership coaching for not-for-profit and social enterprises.


Helping good people make a greater impact.

Sean's coaching helps teams work together, with others, and their wider environment, to create lasting change through developing courageous and trusting relationships, better ways of working, and new thinking to maximise the collective potential, deliver on their purpose and create a positive impact.


At the heart of every not-for-profit or social enterprise are teams of good people doing great work. Organisations seeking to make a positive impact rely on good people. It is getting harder everyday for impact driven organisations to attract, retain and develop people to carry out the organisations work and make a difference.


Organisations face a constant struggle to enable and empower a strong workforce, utilise limited resources and maximise positive impact. The team and leadership coaching Sean provides can be a solution to these challenges. It focuses on harnessing the collective advantage of people through the creation of high performing, effective teams.